Rue des Peubliers 20, 2328 Luxembourg
En savoir plus ➜

Our Company Happ, which stands for healthy and pure products, aims to improve general health. We all have our own ideas about what healthy means but for us it is all about promoting a good quality of life, energy and happiness. Healthy food made from good raw ingredients. Real food, made from scratch in our kitchen without additives, supplements or artificial colorings. Natural works of art for our taste and our eyes. Good memories with good friends. Laughter and happiness. Physical activity and exercise. Overcoming obstacles. Peace of mind and stability. Empathy and sharing.

In the Happ kitchen we believe that food should be both nourishing and healthy. Meals should be simple but tasty. They should also be a colorful sight for the eyes and nourishing for both body and soul, without being pretentious. Above all the meals should be fresh and pure. We believe that by consuming unprocessed food we can become healthier and prevent and even cure some diseases. We hope that our ideology reaches you.


Lundi08:30—11:30, 11:30—14:00, 18:00—21:00
Mardi08:30—11:30, 11:30—14:00, 18:00—21:00(Aujourd'hui)
Mercredi08:30—11:30, 11:30—14:00, 18:00—21:00
Jeudi08:30—11:30, 11:30—14:00, 18:00—21:00
Vendredi08:30—11:30, 11:30—14:00, 18:00—21:00


621 35 93 79
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Un aperçu de la carte


  • Healthy Bag 34,00€ We believe in balance without extremes and know that the foundation for good health is good nutrition. Choose this package if you want to eat a healthy diet from pure ingredients. We warn you: you can expect less desire for sweet things, more energy during the day and increased leisure time when we take care of your meals!
    Includes all meals for the day.
  • Juice Bag 36,00€ Sometimes you really need a good detox to boost your well being. You can achieve better balance by drinking our fresh juices for a few days. We recommend to detox for 3-5 days. Our juice bag includes five colorful fruit and vegetable juices, plus fresh tea and gingershot.
    Please order detox bag, one day in advance.
  • Light Bag 25,00€ Weight-loss package includes 5 meals, all of which help you lose weight while feeling good. The package is tailored to keep your blood sugar in balance and stimulate digestion. Ideal when you need to shred a few pounds and build up your energy.
    Includes all meals for the day.
  • Work Bag 18,00€ You have breakfast and dinner at home and we take care of your nutrition for the rest of the day.
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