Rue de Rollingergrund 8, 2440 Luxembourg
En savoir plus ➜

Welcome to Restaurant Himalaya - Nepalese & Indian Restaurant in Luxembourg. We are pleased to introduce you to a new taste, which is a reflection of unique Royal Nepalese and Indian Cuisine. We are back again with the authentic taste. Try our varieties of dishes prepared with Self hand made spices that has unique flavours. Now with the convenience of online ordering, you can enjoy our meals in the comfort of your own home. It does not matter if you are alone, with friends, at work or at home. Just be sure not to miss out on a wonderful meal.


Mardi12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30
Mercredi12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30(Aujourd'hui)
Jeudi12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30
Vendredi12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30
Samedi12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30
Dimanche12:00—14:00, 18:00—22:30


25 23 85
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via himalaya.lu


Ce restaurant propose un service de livraison via un site tiers. Vous pouvez utiliser le bouton ci-dessous pour être automatiquement dirigé vers la page de commande.

Commander maintenant
via himalaya.lu

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